I have always loved only him. Mike was the meaning of my life, my breath, my serene hope. Everything in this world seemed bright and special when he was by my side. We dreamed of the future together, planned a wedding, and built a life full of happiness. In Mike’s eyes, I saw my universe, and I was certain that it was forever. But, as often happens, life intervened unexpectedly.
Mike simply disappeared. One morning, without warning, without explanation. He was gone. We had planned to meet, talked about our future days, but he just vanished. His phone was off, his friends knew nothing, and I was left alone. I tried to understand what had happened, searched for him everywhere, but found not a single trace. Time passed, and the pain of his disappearance only deepened. My heart was broken, but I couldn’t find the strength to let go.
A few years later, I accidentally learned the truth. Mike had left with another woman to another city. He chose her. That day became a turning point for me. I couldn’t believe that he had so easily forgotten about me, about our dreams. My heart filled with bitterness and resentment, and I realized that I could never again allow myself to love anyone the way I had loved him. It was just too painful.
Twenty years passed, and I still hadn’t married. I threw myself into work, building a successful career as a lawyer. I avoided people, never opening my heart, afraid to experience the same pain again. I was alive, but I wasn’t really living. And then, just the other day, everything changed.
I saw him on the street.
Mike. He was standing right in front of me. My heart immediately squeezed, I could barely breathe. For a moment, I thought it was someone else. He looked like an old man, with gray hair and a haggard face. He was nothing like the energetic, joyful man I remembered. He looked worn out, his clothes were dirty, and there was none of the smile that once warmed me.
I froze, unsure of what to say. We stood facing each other, and it felt like time had stopped. I tried to understand what he was doing here, why he had suddenly appeared after so many years. He was so different from the man I had known.
Mike quietly said, «You look beautiful… I can’t believe it’s you…»
My heart tightened, but I held back tears. I replied to him coldly, «Why? Why did you leave?»
He looked at me, as if trying to gather all his strength, and said, «I’m sorry for how things turned out. I always loved only you… But circumstances were such that I had to leave».
He told me his story. His wife had left him. She took their child and moved away. He was left alone in a strange city, not knowing how to cope with the loneliness. In his eyes, I saw not only pain but also fear. He was not the confident man I remembered. He was a man broken, having lost everything.
«You left when I needed you most, when I was struggling,» I replied, not hiding my disappointment.
Mike lowered his head. «I know I hurt you. I didn’t know how to explain. But I always loved only you. I never loved anyone else. When I left, I thought it would be better for you, that you’d be happier without me…»
His words felt like a knife to my heart. I didn’t know what to feel. Tears didn’t rise, but I felt my heart tighten with resentment and regret. I stood before him, thinking about all I had been through over the last twenty years without him. But what was I supposed to do with all this now?
He said one more word: «Forgive me…»
His voice trembled. I didn’t know what to say. Forgive him for all those years without explanations and without return? Forgive him for leaving me alone when I was ready to build a life with him?
And then I understood. «Forgive» is not a word you can just say. It’s a decision. It’s a path. I couldn’t forgive him right away, but I realized that this meeting was necessary for me to understand that the past couldn’t be returned, but letting go of it — that was my choice. I looked at him and said, «I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive. But maybe that doesn’t matter. What matters is that we live now, and each of us has his own path. You’ve walked yours, and I’ve walked mine.»
We both fell silent, knowing that words wouldn’t help anymore. He turned and walked in the same direction from which he came. I stood still, thinking about how life can be so cruel, but also — so freeing. He disappeared into the crowd, and I was left behind, but now I was ready to move on.